Kamis, 13 Desember 2012
Finally, I choose feeling good
As my old posts "Daftar Lagu 1-4", i felt so confused to choose song for my art task. But, now i trust i can sing one of michael buble's song.. Yes, the song title is Feeling Good. At first, when i sing in front of my friends they say they don't know the song and it is first time they are hear this song.. Of course i feel sad :/
But when i sing in front of my teacher for sound exercise, my teacher is interesting with my song and he follows me too sing that song hihi :p
Why i choose this song?
I choose this song because when first time i hear this song, i feel so interesting and happy. Every i feel bad mood i always play this song for make me feel more better hehe.. So, when my teacher give this task of course i choose this song
Why I think this song is good?
Yeah, because this song is easy listening and the lyric have good meaning as good as the title hihi
At last, i love this song so much especially the singer hihi
♥ Michael Buble ♥
Rabu, 12 Desember 2012
Dear my best friends.. (1)
I love our releationship because..
-You always make me happy
-Never do bad things to me
-Never leave me alone when i have problems
-Give me some spirit especially for do heavy things
-Always be "here" when i'm happy and i'm sad
-And etc that can't i say with the words..
I know sometimes i do mistakes and make you mad. So please forgive me for all my mistakes. Because i know this releationship never be more colors if there is no problems :) Thank you all my best friends for everything that you do for me.. I never forger all moment that we do together :)
For my best friends :
From junior high school
-Opakkndsl (Lulu Fauziyah, Linda Rosalina, Lucya Yufiani, Dwi Mulyani, Ani rakhmawati, Nurauditya M.R, and Stella Ratnadiani)
-Ande (Maxi Million, Yudhi Pratama, Reza Aditya P, Eriza Luthfansyah)
-Rezty Arvina, Ervia Intan C, Azka Lauren, Septi, Panji Pangestu
-Mufid C. Setiawan
From High School
-Madyanissa Yuniar, Fathimah Sholihah
-Mufida Dewi Puspa
-Zulfa, Nanda, Hani "Ele", Rosidah
-Nurma Fauziah, Rinda Parya Putri, Widha Puspa Tanjung, Sufika Fani
At the last, i say thank you again for all my best friends :))
*Sorry if there are not all photos of u my best friends because i dont have some photos with you. Maybe next day we can take some photos and i will share it :)*
Finally.. First Semester test is over
Yes, as the title.. My first semester test in the eleventh grade SMAN 8 Tangerang is over!!! *yeeeaaay* i feel so good! But, sometimes i feel nervous because the score is available now! Some teachers suggest some students to do improvement score, so our score in raport would be more better :)
And the last..
I hope we willn't have bad scores in our raport and can make our parents proud because of our achievement
G-dragon That XX
Hey hoy blogger :D
Hari ini saya akan memposting tentang lagu That XX yang dinyanyikan oleh G-dragon. Mungkin kalian bingung dengan jalan cerita dari lagu tsb.. Nah, daripada bingung mendingan baca postingan saya ini. Karena saya akan menjelaskan jalan cerita lagu tsb..
That XX menceritakan tentang seorang laki-laki (Diperankan oleh G-dragon) yang menyukai wanita yang sudah punya pacar. Wanita tsb bersahabat dengan G-dragon. Dia sering curhat dengan G-dragon tentang pacarnya yang sering memukul dan menyakiti hatinya. G-dragon kesal dan sedih mendengar setiap cerita wanita tersebut. G-dragon kemudian bertanya pada dirinya sendiri "kenapa wanita itu mau berpacaran dengan laki-laki jahat seperti dia? Kenapa wanita itu tidak mau berpacaran denganku? Padahal aku adalah orang yg pasti selalu ada di dekatnya dan takkan menyakitinya. Kenapa wanita itu masih mau dengannya? Kenapa kamu tak memilih aku?" G-dragon benar-benar kesal dengan perilaku pacar wanita itu. Tapi G-dragon tetap tegar menjalani hidupnya dan tetap menjadi tempat curhat wanita itu.
U.u sedih ya ceritanya. Lagu ini benar-benar easy listening dan nyaman buat didengerin apalagi kalau lagi galau hehe.. Oiya di postingan berikutnya saya akan memberikan link download dan videonya :) terimakasih sudah membaca :*