Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Dear my best friends.. (1)

Dear my best friends..
I love our releationship because..
-You always make me happy
-Never do bad things to me
-Never leave me alone when i have problems
-Give me some spirit especially for do heavy things
-Always be "here" when i'm happy and i'm sad
-And etc that can't i say with the words..
I know sometimes i do mistakes and make you mad. So please forgive me for all my mistakes. Because i know this releationship never be more colors if there is no problems :) Thank you all my best friends for everything that you do for me.. I never forger all moment that we do together :)
For my best friends :
From junior high school
-Opakkndsl (Lulu Fauziyah, Linda Rosalina, Lucya Yufiani, Dwi Mulyani, Ani rakhmawati, Nurauditya M.R, and Stella Ratnadiani)
-Ande (Maxi Million, Yudhi Pratama, Reza Aditya P, Eriza Luthfansyah)
-Rezty Arvina, Ervia Intan C, Azka Lauren, Septi, Panji Pangestu
-Mufid C. Setiawan
From High School
-Madyanissa Yuniar, Fathimah Sholihah
-Mufida Dewi Puspa
-Zulfa, Nanda, Hani "Ele", Rosidah
-Nurma Fauziah, Rinda Parya Putri, Widha Puspa Tanjung, Sufika Fani
At the last, i say thank you again for all my best friends :))
*Sorry if there are not all photos of u my best friends because i dont have some photos with you. Maybe next day we can take some photos and i will share it :)*

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